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Enara Barnés Larrukert

Audio-Visual Artist

Enara is a board member and active participant of Dikkedokken Filmlaug. She grew up in the Basque Country, and has been living in Norway for many years. She has a background in photography and video production and has worked for several cultural organizations in Norway and Spain.

Enara's academic background consists of a BA in Audiovisual Communication (European University of Madrid) and a BA in Philosophy (University of the Basque Country).

Enara primarily uses photography and film as a medium and creates abstract textural videos. She has collaborated on sound and multimedia installation pieces and is interested in cross-disciplinary projects that involve artistic experimentation. She has also created photo and video documentation for cultural events.

Recent work from the experimental art collective “Wavelength” episodes has been featured in TimeSpecific and the London Art Fair.

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Enara Barnés Larrukert
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